
Use the Counterparties API to list and retrieve the buyer and supplier counterparties that have been created under your account. This is a necessary step to retrieve the unique identifier used to specify the specific buyer and suppliers involved in the invoice and payments that will be submitted.

A sample response that retrieves a single counterparty would look like this:

    "id": "b1d5a7e8-62fa-4e38-93bf-6be23bdefa82",
    "name": "Tires Supply",
    "type": "Supplier",
    "created": "2021-11-21T22:27:20.975073",
    "updated": "2021-11-21T22:27:20.975095",
    "address_1": "123 Main St.",
    "address_2": null,
    "city": "Orlando",
    "state": "FL",
    "zipcode": "32817",
    "country": "USA",
    "primary_contact_email": "",
    "remit_email": null,
    "primary_contact_name": "Tires Supply",
    "primary_contact_phone": "407-555-1212",
    "bank_account_number": null,
    "bank_routing_number": null,
    "payment_method": "PrintedCheck",
    "internal_id": "TIRESSUPPLY",
    "payment_terms": 30

Please take note of the “id” field in the response. This is the unique id number for this counterparty that you will need to pass back as a reference whenever you make payments to, or on behalf of, this counterparty.